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Driving at Night - Find Discounted Glasses for Seniors Online

If you are over the age of 50, you know that changes in your body become more frequent. The same is true for your eyes. You may find yourself squinting to try and get a clearer portrait of your everyday life. Or perhaps driving at night is becoming more and more problematic. Because senior vision is constantly changing, it is essential to take the necessary steps in eye care, especially for those still driving.
Older adults may have become familiar with the term presbyopia, a natural aging process in which the eye lens becomes less flexible over time. Despite the fancy name, it is a common condition in the aging adult that is easy to correct when diagnosed and treated correctly.
Below you'll find the truth about night driving glasses, the proper methods in correcting your vision, and resources for eye care that include senior programs for low-cost or no-cost care.
Night Driving Glasses For Seniors– Are They Safe?
Poor night vision is a common complaint for anyone. Less light coupled with the glare of oncoming traffic can make it hard to see, becoming particularly bothersome after the age of 40. Impaired vision can put your safety and the safety of others at risk on the road.
Many glasses are marketed to help people see better at night, especially while driving. Most of these glasses contain an anti-reflective (AR) coating or polarized lens. In either case, these types of glasses can actually be hazardous when used at night, according to a study conducted at the Schepens Eye Research Institute. The study suggests that the yellow-tinted glasses reduce overall visible light by blocking a portion of the high-energy visible (HEV) blue light rays. This makes it harder to see at night. The researchers concluded, "these findings do not appear to support having eye care professionals advise patients to use yellow-lens night-driving glasses."
Proper Methods for Senior Eye Care
The first step to take for the best possible night-driving vision is to see a certified optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam. The same is true for any vision impairment. Many seniors don't even realize that they have poor eyesight because they are simply not aware of how much better their vision can be. Many are surprised to see just how bad their vision really was after using corrective lenses.
A licensed professional will determine if you need prescription glasses to correct any type of refractive error. The most common types of refractive errors are:
- Nearsightedness – or myopia, which is difficulty seeing distant objects. Although it's more common in people under 40, seniors may still be affected by this condition. People who are nearsighted can see well for close-up tasks like reading, but may experience symptoms such as:
- Eyestrain or squinting
- Headaches
- Feeling fatigued while driving
- Farsightedness – or hyperopia/hypermetropia, is a common vision impairment affecting roughly a fourth of the population. The condition consists of difficulty focusing on objects that are close up but see distant objects clearly. Symptoms include:
- Eyestrain or squinting
- Feeling fatigued when working or performing tasks at close range.
- Astigmatism - is a condition that causes blurry or distorted vision. It is caused by subtle flaws in the way the eye bends light (a process called refraction). Symptoms include:
- Eyestrain or squinting
- Blurred vision at any distance
- Poor night vision
- Double vision
- Headaches
Seniors should see their eye doctors for a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years. If you already wear glasses or have a condition that may affect vision, such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, you should see your eye doctor more frequently.
Help With Glasses for Seniors
According to the AARP, a large number of older Americans have reported inadequate eyewear. A study based on Medicare data indicates that proper eyewear largely depends on the individual's sociodemographic status. Researchers conducting the study found that nearly one million beneficiaries reported distant vision issues, and over half a million reported near vision issues. Because Medicare does not offer coverage for eyeglasses except after cataract surgery, many Americans do not receive eye care due to unaffordable costs.
Thankfully there are alternatives and resources available for you to receive the eye care that you need:
- Deals - Keep an eye out for bargain deals such as "free eye exam with two pairs of glasses." These deals are popular on platforms such as Groupon and LivingSocial. You may often find better prices using this route than what you would pay through your insurance plan.
- Senior Eye Care Programs – Seniors with a limited income may qualify for free eye care. Programs such as EyeCare America provide care at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient. Ongoing eye care is also available for qualifying seniors.
- VA Benefits – Veterans Affairs (VA) provides eye care to veterans with any service-related disability. You may also be eligible to receive VA vision benefits if you have vision problems caused by an illness – or treatment of an illness – for which you are receiving VA care, such as:
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Vascular disease
For more information on how to get affordable glasses for seniors, visit:
Be Proactive
While exercise, a healthy diet, and positive lifestyle changes can help protect the aging eyes, it is crucial to stay on top of eye exams even if there are no risk factors for eye problems. Age-related changes can affect your ability to drive safely, so it is important to contact your physician if you experience any changes in vision.